What To Consider When Applying for a Loan
You are thinking of applying for a loan to finance your property purchase. No big deal, but are you informed of the applying process? Guess not. There is more than just filling of forms. The entire process of applying for a loan in Sherman Oaks can be broken down into four. First is the Money bag.
- Money bag
Do you have a reliable source of income? If you have, where does your income come from? Below are some of the top sources:
- Periodic salary
- Dividends
- Job wages
- Rental income
- Commissions
Before a bank or a lender approves you, they have to check the reliability of your source of income.
- Coin
Not literary a coin but it refers to the amount of deposit. Do you have a good amount of cash or a hefty equity to use as deposit? Ensure that you can make the first few deposits without any delay or default.
- House expenses
Have you considered your house expenses when applying for loan? Among the top things to check are utility bills, insurance premiums and any outstanding student loan. Such basic costs of living may be hugely affected by your loan application.
- Loan calculator
Do you think of calculation, the valuation and loan repayment without the help of a calculator? That is so suicidal. Once you have a loan calculator, you can check how much monthly payment is required. Moreover, you will get an insight about your loan repayment if you input the right term.
Do you know a bank’s requirements when applying for a loan?
Among the top requirements are credit reports, price ranges and lender information. You need to have an appealing credit report together with the range of cash applying for from a lender you know.
Be a homeowner today. Call Granada Hills Real Estate Agent Harry Sargsyan Today at 818-968-2681